Slack It


1. Click the button below to install the app on

2. Add Slack It item view

3. Open Slack It item view, and you will be redirected to the authorization screen

4. Click Connect button to authorize your account

Click Authorize, and then you can close the tab to return to the auth screen.

Similarly, click Allow to authorize Slack permissions. All done!

Get started

Slack It app allows you and your teammates to post messages to Slack channels or send direct messages, as well as see Slack messages related to a item.

Post a Slack message

Click on the button Create on Slack It item view.

First, select a channel or user to send to. Then enter your message and choose users for tagging if you want. Finally hit Send.

Use message templates

You can use templates to quickly craft your message. A set of pre-made templates is provided as chips below, or you can create your own templates by opening Templates.

Choose a name for your template (no special characters allowed) and type your message to save it. You can also select an existing template to use. Feel free to edit or delete a template by deleting its name.

Multiple ways to send your messages!

You can open Slack It app from single item menu

or from bulk item menu


Are there limits when sending messages?

Yes, to ensure a smooth experience, there are limits per message:

What is the privacy of this app?

Everyone in your team can view the linked thread list on each item. However, clicking on links will launch Slack, and only authorized persons can read the message.

Regarding your connected Slack data:

Which Slack data is cached?

To ensure a smooth experience, we store the following data:

The cache data is outdated, how can I find the new channel?

When no search results are found, a popup will appear, and you will have the option to re-sync your Slack data.

What does the "Send as a group direct message..." option mean?

When selecting multiple users, choosing this option will send the message to a group. Otherwise, it will be sent to each selected user individually.

What is the maximum number of message templates that I can save?

You can save up to 50 message templates.